
Night Ritual & Dream


Culturally, especially here in NYC, where life is fast and sleep can be minimal, there has been a shift away from night ritual and dreamtime. We work hard and then do not give ourselves the time to prepare for sleep and dreamtime, when our bodies work hard to restore and to process the day.

In this workshop, we will create a calming, relaxing space to enter, beginning with a smudging and short meditation to allow you to leave the city energy at the door and sink into a more dreamy state. There will be a talk on the history of dream, and different rituals from various cultures. Then we will go over scents, tastes, sounds and colors to aid sleep and dream; as well as herbal allies and simple rituals that you can incorporate into a nightly routine. We will end with a longer meditation beginning with a dream herb tasting, and deepening into a relaxing Reiki and scent experience. You will go home with a Las Brujas de Yerbas Dream Elixir to continue the process we began in the workshop, a Third Eye plant-­dyed and hand-­stitched pillow and smudge.

Las Brujas de Yerbas was created in the Bay Area by two Western Herbalists, Amanda Rae and Katrine in 2015. These Brujas are now bicoastal medicine makers and natural dyers who are community minded. They create herbal medicine the old school folk way and the magic of laughter and joy is never a forgotten ingredient. They bring mysticism, culture and plant love to each of their endeavors; and maintain a respectful and loving relationship with the land beneath their feet and the plants that grow from it.

Night ritual & dream
Thursday, April 21, 7-9:30pm
