Sacred birth is the path of honoring the profound unfolding and awakening we experience through our journey with pregnancy and parenthood. It affirms the power of womb healing and sacral sovereignty. It supports our transforming bodies with energetic care and nourishment. It guides us to loving attunement and bonding with our baby, and ensures deep healing and integration of our birth and postpartum experiences. 


For more information on location details and session packages, and an in-depth look at the modalities offered, see Healing.

Reiki has been clinically shown to significantly reduce anxiety, pain and nausea, and improve sleep during pregnancy, and it also may contribute to more easeful labor. Reiki is a soothing balm for all aspects of your pregnancy experience, from conception to postpartum, and will support you with empowerment, grounding, clarity and courage on your journey of deep transformation.

Catherine offers bespoke womb ceremonies for deep, multidimensional and intergenerational healing of this sacred space to support you wherever you are on your journey with birth and sexual healing. These ceremonies empower you to step into intimacy, fertility, conception and child bearing with clarity and peace, aligning you with the true creative power of your divine womb, and anchoring you in your womb sovereignty.

In this ceremonial session, we will honor the sacred path to parenthood, awakening you to the true transformation of pregnancy on all levels. In a safe and loving space, you will make meaningful and embodied physical connection to your womb space, and cultivate conscious attunement with your child in utero.

Catherine offers bespoke ceremonies for integrating your birth story and postpartum experience. As we step across the powerful threshold of labor and delivery, and into parenthood, we are thrust into a time of deep internal change and adjustment. These ceremonies create a safe and loving space for you to process and integrate shifts in identity, roles, routine and rhythm; and reunite you with your core essence and courage so you can meet the joys and challenges of your days with grounded wisdom and compassion.