
Sacred Womb Ceremony


Catherine offers bespoke womb ceremonies for deep, multidimensional and intergenerational healing of this sacred space to support you wherever you are on your journey with birth and sexual healing. These ceremonies empower you to step into intimacy, fertility, conception and child bearing with clarity and peace, aligning you with the true creative power of your divine womb, and anchoring you in your womb sovereignty.

Our womb and pelvis are home to the energetic, sacral hara center, also called the lower dantian—considered the seat of the soul, and the core source of our creativity, sensuality, flow and connection. It is an area vulnerable to the imprints of early attachment and familial experiences, and any challenges we faced in the formation of our self expression; as well as unprocessed shame, sexual experiences, past birth experiences, and other relational wounds in this lifetime, and past lives, too. It also can hold intergenerational wounds from our family, especially maternal, lineage.

Catherine works in loving partnership with your guides to ceremoniously heal and liberate your womb space, transmuting the past and restoring your true womb essence for balance, abundance and flow. Each ceremony unfolds in a unique way, beginning with the healing touch of Reiki and moving into earth-based, spiritual healing practices and guided journeys that offer you the wisdom and courage to connect with your womb from a place of deep embodiment and self compassion.

These ceremonial sessions are supported by the power of the drum, the blessing of song, botanical smoke, rattles, bells, feathers, stones, flowers and other sacred tools.

A Sacred Womb Ceremony is powerfully transformative and will bring you to a space of deep sacredness and inner illumination that will reverberate harmony and healing to all aspects of your life.

Catherine also can create an accompanying ritual that may be practiced at any time to reconnect with the power and intention of the ceremony, and awaken your divine womb essence. These rituals can be especially helpful before intimacy.

We will begin with a 30-minute phone call to explore your intentions. Catherine will then journey on your behalf to meet with her spiritual council, along with your guides, to discern how we are destined to work together. In this meeting, she will receive guidance for a sacred womb ceremony and ritual designed especially for you, which can be hosted at Catherine’s practice space, your home or other venue, or a place in nature.

As the seat of all creativity and divine flow, this ceremony is also helpful for artists and other creatives who want to open more meaningfully into their process.

Schedule your 30-minute complimentary phone call
Monday – Friday, 10AM to 10PM
$270 / 90 min | $360 / 2 hours
Home visits start at $420

Include your preferred location in the Additional Information box when you checkout. Catherine will reply by e-mail shortly.

Please review the Booking Guidelines.
