
Community Reiki

A monthly, sliding scale Reiki clinic serving North Brooklyn in the Community Room at Grand Street Healing Project.

We welcome adults, couples and families to receive a 30-minute Reiki treatment at the price you can pay, with three price tiers available based on your income.

Reiki is a Japanese form of hands-on energy healing that enhances vitality so the body is supported in its natural healing process. It is a wonderful antidote for the stresses and pressures of our modern lives, and can transport you to a deep state of relaxation and peace.

Reiki gently guides your body and soul into harmony, supporting the process of healing for a wide range of ailments, including stress, pain, anxiety, restlessness, fear, depression, grief, trauma, chronic conditions, autoimmune disease, hormonal imbalance, fatigue and more.

Reiki healing can be especially supportive for anyone whose body and being has been underserved by the Western medical model. This is a peaceful and nurturing space honoring the true power we have to heal ourselves, each other and our communities.

We recommend booking ahead for your preferred time. Online booking is available up to an hour before the start time. Drop ins are first come, first serve, and cash only (sorry, no Venmo).


Reiki is a harmonizing, vital energy that never harms. Also known as “universal life force energy” or “qi,” it is directed through the hands of the practitioner to support the body’s vital functions, clear toxins and dense vibrations, balance the heart and mind, and replenish and restore the spirit on all levels.

A Reiki practitioner relies on traditional hand placements to guide the Reiki energy through them, while you remain fully clothed. It’s important to distinguish that this energy is not the practitioner’s energy, but rather the free flow of universal life force energy transmitted to you to activate your body’s own innate healing process. It is often experienced as a gentle heat.


Catherine Foley is a Reiki Master and intuitive empath, and founder of Help Your Self, her holistic wellness company on a mission to bring authentic and genuine healing experiences and resources to New Yorkers. With formal training in energetic and shamanic healing, mindfulness and herbal medicine, Catherine is skilled in holding integrated, embodied and compassionate space for deep transformation and healing. Catherine offers Reiki healing at locations around the city, including The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, New York and Grand Street Healing Project. She also is an oracle reader at Otherwild NY and The Alchemist’s Kitchen. In all of her work, Catherine is dedicated to guiding you home to yourself, helping you access your innate ability to heal your life and find the freedom and will to shine your true light in the world.


Kristen Sonntag is a Reiki practitioner, musician, writer, and host of monthly sound baths at Grand Street Healing Project. Her line of crystal essence and aromatherapy mists, SPIRIT WORK, is a tool to assist in healing work, meditation, and the creative process. Kristen’s psychic abilities were activated as a child when she received her introduction to crystal healing, Tarot, past life memories, and communication with spirit. The spiritual gateway reopened to her as an adult following a near-death experience after the birth of her son. She received her Reiki I and II attunements in 2015 and 2016, and will pursue her Reiki Master attunement in 2019. Kristen’s work is informed by the traditions of Hermeticism, Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, and matrilineal folk magic. Her current interests include integrating past life experiences and ancestral trauma, and fostering compassion and inclusivity through community.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019
7 – 9 PM
Community $40 | Advocate $60 | Patron $75
Book Ahead or Drop In
Grand Street Healing Project
105 Grand Street, Williamsburg
